Blogs, blogs, blogs

We’re collaborating on a really interesting project called ‘Cross-adaptive processing as musical intervention,’ led by Professor Øyvind Brandtsegg of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Essentially, this project involves cross-adaptive audio effects, where the processing applied to one audio signal is dependent on analysis of other signals. We’ve used this concept quite a lot to build intelligent music production systems. But in this project, Øyvind and his collaborators are exploring creative uses of cross-adaptive audio effects in live performance. The effects applied to one source may change depending on what and how another performer plays, so a performer may change what they play to overtly influence everyone else’s sound, thus taking the interplay in a jam session to a whole new level.

One of the neat things that they’ve done to get this project off the ground is created a blog, , which is a great way to get all the reports and reflections out there quickly and widely.

This got me thinking of a few other blogs that we should mention. First and foremost is Prof, Trevor Cox of the University of Salford’s wonderful blog, ‘The Sound Blog: Dispatches from Acoustic and Audio Engineering,’ is available at . This blog was one of the principal inspirations for our own blog here.

Another leading researcher’s interesting blog is – Mariana is looking into aspects of sound design that I feel really don’t get enough attention from the academic community… yet. Hopefully, that will change soon.

There’s plenty of blogs about music production. A couple of good ones are and . They are full of practical advice, insights and tutorials.

A lot of the researchers in the Audio Engineering team have their own personal blogs, which discuss their research, their projects and various other things related to their career or just cool technologies.

See, – Brecht De Man ‘s blog. He’s researching semantic and knowledge engineering approaches to music production systems (and a lot more). – Alessia Milo’s blog. She’s looking at (and listening to) soundscapes, and their importance in architecture – Dave Moffat is investigating evaluation of sound synthesis techniques, and how machine learning can be applied to synthesize a wide variety of sound effects. – Rod Selfridge is looking at real-time physical modelling techniques for procedural audio and sound synthesis.

More to come on all of them, I’m sure.

Let us know of any other blogs that we should mention, and we’ll update this entry or add new entries.